Since 2010, we've provided home electronics services throughout Southern Georgian Bay, including Meaford, Owen Sound, Collingwood, Blue Mountains and surrounding areas
We all depend upon electronics in ways we couldn’t have imagined a few years ago. Home electronics keeps us connected with the outside world, provides nearly unlimited entertainment options, enhances our security, and increases our comfort in the precious hours we spend in our homes.
It’s a new world with some great gadgets, but adapting to these changes can be challenging. If you’re creating a new home or upgrading an existing one, electronics present the greatest challenge.
With 26 years experience in home electronics installation and design, and an entire career devoted to providing services to homeowners, Bill Monahan offers a unique suite of services to help you enjoy everything that electronics can deliver, with none of the headaches.

Bill Monahan – Homebuttons
Meaford, Ontario
Serving folks in communities from Port Elgin to the Bruce Peninsula to Wasaga Beach – including Southampton, Owen Sound, Wiarton, Meaford, Markdale, Flesherton, Thornbury, Collingwood, and more.
He came over to the house installed the alarm system and explained how it all worked. Bill was very professional and courteous. I feel safe now I have my alarm.
Thanks Bill
Kim Thorne
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